Professor of Population Health Sciences and Director of the Global Health Institute, Jonathan Patz, was inducted into the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) on October 18th, 2020. Dr. Patz’s work examines the health effects of global environmental change. During his career, he has co-chaired the health expert panel of the US National Assessment on Climate Change and was a convening lead author for the United Nations/World Bank Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. For the past 15 years, Patz has been a lead author for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (or IPCC), the organization that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore.
To read more about Dr. Patz’s research in UW News, see here.
To see a recoding of Dr. Patz’s talk given at the NAM Annual Meeting on the topic “Underlying Causes of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Climate Change, as Well as the US/Global Responses to these Challenges”, see here.