Graduate Programs

Graduate Programs

The University of Wisconsin Department of Population Health Sciences (PHS) offers Masters and PhD programs in Epidemiology and Population Health. The Population Health MS/PhD program prepares students to investigate multiple determinants of health and the functioning of the health care system. The MS and PhD in Population Health can be taken with either a named option in Epidemiology or a named option in Population Health. The Epidemiology MS/PhD prepares students to investigate what factors are related to good and bad health in different populations, and the outcomes of people with given health conditions.

Learn more about our programs and UW below.

About Our Programs

Epidemiology Population Health Why UW?

Student Experience: Rachel Pomazal

"The PHS community of students and faculty are highly committed to student success. I have been grateful to build a robust network of mentorship and peer mentorship that has helped me achieve my academic goals, and prepare me for the career ahead."

Student Experience: Zoe Walts

"The supportive and welcoming community of PHS, including the faculty, staff, and my fellow students, has greatly contributed to my growth as a scientist and I can’t wait to see where the skills I’ve developed here will take me."

Why Wisconsin?

Check out this video to learn more about graduate school at University of Wisconsin.

And read more below on the beauty of Madison’s four seasons.

Why we love Madison year round


Quinn Fullenkamp
MS/PhD Population Health Graduate Program Coordinator
Room 744 WARF Office Building
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53726
(608) 265-8108
Fax: (608) 263-2820