Job Listings

The University of North Carolina (UNC) has opened a search for tenure-track positions in CVD Epidemiology and Repro-Pediatric Epidemiology. UNC is an exciting place to work and grow, these positions will enhance our research programs and support our teaching and mentoring mission.  Please find links to the positions below for your consideration and to share with your networks.
CVD Faculty Position: Vacancy ID FAC0005372

REPRO PEDIATRIC Faculty Position: Vacancy ID FAC0005373

Michigan State University is hiring 4 population scientists at any rank and are open to hiring a lab group together as part of a university initiative. There will also be 4 computational biology hires. All will be located at our campus in Grand Rapids (minimal teaching) with the department appointment TBD but the epi and biostats hires will likely be in my department at MSU. I’m chairing the search for the initiative so please send any questions my way. Both postings are below. Feel free to share widely.

Tenure-track Investigator, Social and Behavioral Sciences Branch for the Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health (DHHS) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Division of Population Health Research (DiPHR). See here for more information.
Center for Value-based Care Research (CVCR) at Cleveland Clinic is looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow.Below is the link to the job application.Postdoctoral Fellow (US) – Infectious Disease Epidemiology Job Opening in Cleveland, Ohio – AcademyHealth Career Center
Oregon Health and Science received approval for an open rank faculty position in Health Systems Management and Policy at the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health in Portland, OR. The position has been approved to start as early as September 2024, but we are realistically expecting our new colleague to start at some point later in the academic They will be reviewing applications starting later this summer, with interviews to begin in September. This is a 9-month, tenure track position organizationally based at Portland State University, with both research and teaching commitments.OHSU-PSU is particularly interested in applicants who can support our organizational theory and health systems core courses, and welcome complementary expertise in relevant areas that will support our MPH and PhD students in HSMP programs. Preferred candidates will be able to demonstrate teaching and/or research expertise in addressing health inequities from institutional, systems, policy and/or managerial perspectives, and contribute to advancing the School’s ongoing work on social justice, anti-racism, equity, diversity and inclusion.
Institute for Medical Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is hiring:
Data Specialist, Neonatal and Child HealthData Specialist, Integrated AnalyticsTechnical Project Manager II
The Department of Population Health Sciences has two open Health Study Technician positions open.  The Health Study Technicians will perform sensory and cognitive assessments, obtain anthropometric and blood pressure measures and interview research study participants to update their medical history and other lifestyle, behavioral and demographic information in accordance with study research protocols. For more information on this job, please see the listing here.
The Department of Health Policy and Management at the University of Maryland, College Park has two open faculty positions. One is for an assistant professor with a preferred specialization in health care management, best consideration: 10/27. The other is open rank (assistant or associate) with a preferred specialization in aging policy (e.g., long-term care services and supports), with a best consideration date of 12/1.  For more information, click here.
The SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE/PBS-ADMIN is seeking a Center Coordinator, see information here.
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation has an opening for the following position:

All information about the position and how to apply can be found in the online UW Hires job posting.

Other open positions can also be found on the IHME Careers page.