Richard Crawford

Credentials: MD (PGY3)

Photo of Richard Crawford

Rich grew up in Northern California and majored in biomedical engineering with a dash of finance and economics at UC Berkeley. Upon graduating, he worked two years at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center developing neuroimaging techniques to examine the intrinsic connectivity of the healthy brain and its application to neurodegenerative disorders. Then, he moved to Portland, Oregon, where he worked with the Coalition of Community Health Clinics to assess community needs and also began an anti-human trafficking initiative, Tomorrow’s Hope, which emphasized prevention and early intervention strategies. While completing medical school at The George Washington University he participated in the health policy track where he engaged in the analysis of CHIPRA pediatric quality measures and their association with expenditures and care delivery models as well as an evaluation of tele-mental health technology used in Veteran and American Indian populations. He has continued his training in Washington, D.C., and is in the process of completing his second year of psychiatry residency at Georgetown. His primary interests are in the fields of neuropsychiatry and addiction medicine, the financial aspects of health care, and adapting the inherently multidimensional approach necessary for psychiatric care to challenges in population health.
Rich is new to the Great Lakes Region, and likes that Madison has culture and a food scene rivaling larger cities, but in a more intimate environment.