Visiting Scholar Jason Smith, PhD candidate from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

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PHS WARF Room 726
@ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Title- Public Health Strategies for Dementia Prevention: The Need for a More Holistic Approach

Abstract- Population-level strategies for dementia prevention that target modifiable risk factors across the lifecourse are needed to complement individualized risk reduction approaches. However, studies evaluating the preventative potential of risk factor reduction at the population level often neglect core public health principles that can then lead to incorrect public health inferences. This talk will review key elements of a holistic approach to dementia prevention strategies across the lifecourse, and briefly demonstrate its application to investigating vascular contributions to dementia.

Biography- Jason Smith is a PhD candidate in the department of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, with expertise in the epidemiology of aging. Training under Jennifer Deal, Jason studies vascular contributions to cognitive decline and dementia to inform primordial prevention strategies for dementia at the population level.