PHS Monday Seminar- Ying (Jessica) Cao, PhD: Post-acute Care in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities under ACA

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@ 12:00 pm

Assistant Professor
School of Public Health and Health Professions (SPHHP)
State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo

Dr. Cao will talk about post-acute care (PAC) delivery and patient health outcomes in the inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRF) during and after the Affordable Care Act. Her talk will cover topics on the comparison between Traditional Medicare enrollees and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. She will also discuss the potential channels, such as facility network and payment sources, through which the insurance impacts can happen.

Dr. Jessica Cao is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Health Services Policy & Practice, Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health at SUNY-Buffalo. Dr. Cao uses Health Economics and Behavioral Economics methods to conduct quantitative policy evaluation and health services research. Topics of her past and on-going projects involve for example, post-acute care among Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, individual and household decision-makings on preventive care utilization, cost and cost-effectiveness analysis of child obesity management and HCV telemedicine to patients with drug use disorder, etc.

Jessica Cao CV