Title: Understanding Life After Pediatric Cancer through Patient-Reported Outcomes
Abstract: Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) capture the subjective experiences of cancer patients and survivors. This seminar summarizes Dr. Horan’s research efforts in PROs of content domains relevant and important to cancer survivors, including health-related quality-of-life and symptoms. She highlights research projects using large-scale datasets from survivors of childhood cancer that emphasize the measurement, multi-level determinants (i.e., personal, family, and neighborhood levels), and application of PROs to cancer survivorship care and research.
Bio: Madeline Horan is a postdoctoral research associate at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control. She received her PhD from the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University. Her research focuses on patient-reported outcomes in childhood cancer survivors, with a recent focus on utility-based approaches to assessing health-related quality-of-life in survivors.