PHS Seminar Featuring Joshua Demb, PhD, MPH

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WARF Room 726
@ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

ABSTRACT: Colorectal cancer incidence in adults under age 50, also known as early onset colorectal cancer, is rising. This trend presents a major challenge: how do we identify those adults at greatest risk earlier to improve their colorectal cancer survival? This seminar discusses projects focused on timely diagnostic work-up for early onset colorectal cancer and colorectal cancer screening in adults ages 45-49.

BIO: Dr. Joshua Demb is a K99/R00-funded postdoctoral researcher in the Division of Gastroenterology in the UC San Diego School of Medicine. His research interests are at the intersection of cancer epidemiology and health services research in the area of early cancer detection. His doctoral research focused on preventing cancer screening disparities and providing decision support for individuals based on potential harms and benefits of breast and lung cancer screening. His current postdoctoral research seeks to optimize mechanisms for early cancer detection among adults under age 50 at risk for colorectal cancer, including timely diagnostic work-up of adults with red flag signs and symptoms for colorectal cancer, and colorectal cancer screening uptake in adults ages 45-49.