Professor Amy Trentham-Dietz led the team that provided a commissioned report to the US Preventive Services Task Force as they recently updated their recommendations for screening mammography. The research team also includes Dr. Ronald Gangnon, Professor of Population Health Sciences and Biostatistics & Medical Informatics, John Hampton of the Carbone Cancer Center, Dr. Oguz Alagoz and Yifan Lu of the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, along with numerous other colleagues at several other institutions in the US and the Netherlands. The researchers represent the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) Breast Working Group, funded by the National Cancer Institute. The report presents results from six simulation models of female persons with average risk of breast cancer.
The US Preventive Services Task Force lowered the recommended starting age for screening mammography from 50 to 40. The draft recommendation along with the simulation modeling report is available here. Public comment on the draft recommendations is invited on the website. The Task Force will issue a final recommendation later this year.
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