Population Health Sciences’ program, The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), is partnering with The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) on a study examining the presence of COVID-19 in Wisconsin. The data garnered from this study will provide researchers and public health experts with valuable information on the spread of the disease in the state and help identify communities that may be at risk of future outbreaks.
The Past Antibody COVID-19 Community Survey (PACCS), led by SHOW, will determine the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies throughout the state. “The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin will recruit individuals who have participated in SHOW in the past. Past participants are from ten randomly selected counties and the city of Milwaukee. The participants represent a population of residents from across the entire state,” said Kristen Malecki, Associate Professor of Population Health Sciences and Director and Principal investigator for the SHOW program. “Our past experience surveying the health of this state, existing research infrastructure, and community partnerships should allow us to aid in the containment and tracking effort of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
For the full DHS announcement, see here