Population Health Science’s Health Innovation Program’s COVID-19 Response Activities

View the Population Health Science’s Health Innovation Program’s COVID-19 News Page to see all response efforts.

Researchers at  Health Innovation Program (HIP) have been working to improve health care using electronic health record data voluntarily provided by over 20 Wisconsin health systems through the Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality(link is external) (WCHQ), have mobilized to determine how they could rapidly use these data to help those on the front line of the battle against COVID-19 to support the direction of efforts towards the places in Wisconsin that need it most. Read more here.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, critically ill patients have been hospitalized and isolated from their families and loved ones. In many hospitals, the palliative care team has been charged with maintaining communication between the critical care team and their patients’ families. A Best Case/Worst Case: ICU (COVID-19) communication toolkit has been developed and made available on HIPxChange to assist separated families and to help them develop an understanding of their loved one’s illness, prognostic awareness and the range of possible outcomes. Learn more here.