Vision: Physicians with knowledge and skills in public health and population medicine will improve performance and outcomes of health care and public health systems, thus leading to long and healthy lives for all.
To advance health and health equity without compromise by training preventive medicine physicians who are skilled at working at the intersection of public health and health care systems.
We will accomplish this mission by providing residents academic, practicum and clinical experiences so they may gain knowledge and skills, in public health and population medicine, in order to improve performance and outcomes of public health and health care systems.
Components of the mission include:
- Educating on the principles and practice of public health and population medicine
- Developing skills in the core functions of public health practice
- Developing skills in health systems change and quality improvement
- Developing skills in the delivery of clinical preventive services
- Promoting scholarship in public health and population medicine
- Conducting research in the health and wellbeing of patients and populations
- Advocating for leadership in health systems change and dedication to public service
Program AIMS
- Recruit and retain exceptional residents with diverse backgrounds and demonstrated public health interests and experience.
- Develop and maintain faculty to support diverse educational opportunities for preventive medicine residents.
- Train our residents to have the necessary skills to improve performance and outcomes of public health and health care systems.
- Maintain long-term, sustainable funding for the PMR program.